I wake up happy and hungry this morning, excited for breakfast at
Fretheim Hotel’s The Conscious Kitchen. The dining staff is just setting up when I arrive (imagine how starved I was in my sleep!) so yehey to no hungry people and hands in my buffet spread pics.
Buffet spread:

My breakfast plates:
Pasta, sausage, egg, cheese, pate, meatball Salmon
Bread with nutella and peanut butter Yogurt with grains, cereals, nuts

Yup, the four of us are wearing I HEART shirts. We heart Bergen, Norway and Flam.
And Auntie Atis hearts that thick slice of bread.

Frances and I, same same shirt, same same cap, same same size. Ha ha ha.
Our train doesn’t leave until 11am so that gives us a little more time to do some silly things.

Like pretending to be vikings and providing entertainment to the souvenir shop cashier

Hello, Flamsbana!

Flamsbana or The Flam Railway is a 20km-long scenic train journey that will take us to Myrdal. On this 1.5-hour ride we see some of Norway's wildest and most magnificent sceneries.

Ahh… two more lovers of Norway, Earnest and Vibson
Some sights we see along the way:

We make a quick 5-minute stop to see this majestic waterfall face to face. As I go near it, water splashes lightly on my face. I smile at the cool feeling on my skin.

My family

Our train ride snacks which Florence devours selfishly

Frozen body of water

Wooden houses in deep snow

Wooden house with bike and skis

We arrive Myrdal, hop off Flamsbana, and hop on this red train that will bring us to Geilo

Kids nowadays… they start traveling at a very young age

See what I mean?

So it is necessary for trains to have kid-friendly rooms
Some sights we see on the way to Geilo:

Geilo is a ski resort town. This time of the year when the winter season is about to end,
the place bustles with so much activity.

But we are not here to ski. We are here to eat.
See continuation here:
Scandinavia Trip Day 5, Part 2: Geilo, Oslo