Monday, November 25, 2013

Carrie White


After watching the musical and then the movie, I decided to be Carrie White for halloween.

(Click here to see photos of our Fatterside Halloween Party.)

I am grateful for my super talented cousin Dianne (or Princess Neytiri of Avatar).

I just came in an old white dress and she did all the bloody work on me. 

Here's a step-by-step for those who want to be a walking tampon next year. :P



First, drizzle blood on the face




Then on the chest, shoulders and arms




Don't forget the legs and feet!


The blood was actually Dianne's concoction of chocolate syrup, red coloring and a secret ingredient. 

Imagine how sticky I was!

Imagine how yummy I was! ;) 



But it was not so yummy when the sweet blood trickled into my eyes.
OOUUUCCCHHH!!!!! Wash with water immediately when this happens.
Wear a tiara. Act like a prom queen. 




I had my feet wrapped in plastic so I wouldn't mess up the floor




And then I climbed into the tub for my pictorial. Everyone had his or her own spot in the house.
The bathroom was my spot. Jamie, The Wicked Witch, poured tomato sauce around the tub
for more blood effect. 



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She also came up with this comic strip. Lol!




Emote. Channel terror.




Channel evil.




It is important to have a photographer who is willing to risk her life to capture you from
a flattering angle. :P




Then I went about doing what I love doing. Taking pictures of people...




Taking pictures of food. And then stuffing myself after the job is done.
I swear my phone and camera are the dirtiest gadgets in the world. Ew.




I washed myself three times or Mom wouldn't let me in the car




Dianne also did this face. Methinks Jigsaw looked way prettier than Frances. Hahaha!
What say you?




This is Dianne. She is amazing.

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