I have a confession. I am a sucker for promos.
“Buy one, take one!”
“Buy two and get the 3rd item free!!!”
“Buy one pack, get 50% off on the 2nd pack” (thus, my sprawling and still-growing collection of Marks & Spencer panties)
Today at the grocery, I see this:
NOW: $13.90
Oh, help me, sweet Jesus!
I. Just. Could. Not. Resist.
So I buy 2 trays, one original and the other with chocolate creme filling. After all, twelve dollars saved IS twelve dollars earned.
I decide to reward my smartness with an Oreo Cheesecake. (Light bulb!)
So I use my HK$12 earnings to buy three blocks of Philadelphia Cream Cheese at HK$29.90 each.
Go figure.

I break the Oreo cookies into small pieces and try not to “accidentally” drop too many of them into my mouth

I then gather enough broken Oreo pieces to make a crust. I think of all the skinny people who do not gain a pound even though they eat twice as much as I do. Of how painful it is to always be on some diet, how much time I spend working out and getting no results. I think of how unfair life is, then I start pounding. Pounding until I get fine powdery Oreos, then I add just enough melted butter to moisten the crumbs and I press this mixture into a loose-bottom pan and bake it for 600 seconds.

When cream cheese is soft, I add a few drops of vanilla, 3 eggs, some flour, and a fair amount of condensed milk, then I whip and scrape, whip and scrape. Then I throw in all the remaining Oreo pieces still not in my tummy, and then almost as immediately, I retrieve about 5 pieces of it. Oreo pieces covered in cream cheese batter, they're the bomb!

I pour the batter into the baking pan and into a few cupcake liners, bake them for 15 minutes at 425°F, turn the heat down to 325°F and bake for another 40 or so. I watch some TV, kill some zombies, stalk people on facebook, throw angry birds at green pigs…

The cupcakes take less time to cook so I take them out of the oven midway through and immediately bite into one. Ouch!!! I think it burned my tongue. But mmm… this is good stuff!

Yikes! I overbaked the cake! Blame it on Jamie Oliver and his very cute lisp.

Thankfully, the inside is soft, moist and creamy

I cut the cake into bite-size cubes to bring to the office next day, believing that smaller pieces mean lesser chance my boss will catch me stuffing my face at work again.

My Oreo sheets. Hehe... just sharing… :)